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Maryland Federal Drug Possession with Intent to Distribute Lawyer

Drug possession with intent to distribute is a serious charge that carries significant penalties and long-term repercussions. This offense is when a person is in possession of drugs and intends to sell the drugs to another party. Usually, a person who is accused of drug possession with intent to distribute is in possession of a large amount of drugs. Also, they may have paraphernalia on their person. These are the key factors in determining whether someone is charged with possession with intent to distribute as opposed to just possession.

If you are facing charges, you should get in touch with a Maryland federal drug possession with intent to distribute lawyer. Let an experienced federal drug attorney fight for you.

Determining Possession with Intent Charges

After a drug arrest is made, the police and the prosecutors decide what charge should be brought. The police officer will recommend a charge following the arrest. The person is then brought to court for an initial appearance. Then the prosecutor has to make a decision whether to move forward with the case, whether the defendant is going to be charged with possession only, or possession with intent to distribute. The final determination is made by the judge or jury, so even if someone has been charged with possession with intent to distribute, the jury has the last word.

Proving Possession with Intent to Distribute Cases

With a possession with intent to distribute charges, the prosecution has to prove that the defendant was in possession of the drug (in their pocket, a purse, or a bag, et cetera). If people are suspected of working together to sell a drug, they could be jointly in possession of it, even if someone was not necessarily touching it, but takes the money from the buyer. The buyer along with the person who sold the drug to them, could all be accused of being in joint possession of the drug that is being sold. The other main factor is the intent to distribute. If the drugs are broken up into small amounts, especially in equal weights, then those are indicia of their intent to distribute.

Possession with Intent to Distribute Penalties

The charges a person can be charged with vary, depending on the drug. Possession with intent to distribute is a felony and a simple possession offense is a misdemeanor. Felony drug charges carry more significant penalties. A person charged with possession with intent to distribute is looking at a lengthy jail sentence, fines, and other repercussions. For instance, a conviction could cause the individual to lose their job and have difficulty obtaining a job once they are released from jail. If the defendant is not a citizen, they could be deported. Therefore, it is crucial for defendants to seek the services of a federal drug possession with intent to distribute lawyer in Maryland right away.

Contact a Maryland Federal Drug Possession with Intent to Distribute Attorney

If you have been charged with drug possession with intent to distribute, you are facing serious consequences. You should obtain the services of a dedicated Maryland federal drug possession with intent to distribute lawyer as soon as possible. A skilled attorney could advocate for you and help you reach a favorable resolution to your case.