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2022 Right to Read Scholarship

Over the past few years, books once praised for their progressive nature are now being challenged and banned for their content. We are specifically speaking of books dealing with sexual identity, race, and other injustices that occur in America. Books written by Black or LGBTQ+ authors have become especially challenged by local authorities.

Federal Attorney Jackson Davis believes that children and adults across the country deserve access to various books to educate themselves about important topics and broaden their perspectives. We created the Right to Read Scholarship because we are passionate about everyone’s right to an education. When books are challenged and banned, it silences the voices of minorities and those of all sexual orientations to speak about injustices they have endured. In turn, we believe banning books hinder our country’s ability to be educated on important issues and limit our progress as a nation. What do you think?

In a 750-1,000 word essay, explain: is the banning of literature ever okay? The prohibition of books goes against our freedom of expression and limits our ability to make judgments and beliefs of our own. Do you think it’s okay to censor publications? Why or Why Not?
This is a $1,000 scholarship opportunity. The deadline to apply is December 31, 2022. Please see below for further details on eligibility and the application process.

Please send any questions to [email protected]


  • High school seniors enrolled in the upcoming semester, vocational, college, and graduate students are welcome to apply.
  • Applicants must be enrolled in an institution within the United States or the District of Columbia.
  • Employees of Federal Attorney Jackson Davis, their immediate families (parent, child, sibling, and spouse), and persons living in the same households as such individuals (whether related or not), are not eligible to participate in the competition.
  • Candidates for this scholarship should have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher and be in good overall academic standing.

Application Requirements

  • The candidate must submit a 750-1,000 word essay response to the prompt: Is the banning of literature ever okay? The prohibition of books goes against our freedom of expression and limits our ability to make judgments and beliefs of our own. Do you think it’s okay to censor publications? Why?
  • The candidate must submit a professional resumé that lists their professional and academic experience.
  • The candidate must submit a transcript from their current school. First-year college students, graduate students, or individuals who have recently transferred schools may submit an unofficial transcript from their current school and the most recent official transcript from their prior school. High school students must also submit proof of acceptance to their college or university.

The Right to Read Scholarship recipient will be chosen during the month following the scholarship deadline.

Application Deadline and Instructions:

To be eligible for this scholarship, candidates must email their complete application (including the essay, resu mé, and transcript) to [email protected] by December 31, 2022. Any applications sent after this date will not be considered.

Scholarship applications should be sent with the subject line: “Federal Attorney – 2022 Right to Read Scholarship Application”

Thank you for your interest in the Right to Read Scholarship. May education continue to be accessible to everyone.